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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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greatest superhero ever
posted by Lord Crump Mar 31 2013 13:54 GMT
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I think it's cool but not something I'd be interested in.
The Adventures of Nas and Dwarfy Dwarf: Based on a True Story
posted by Lord Crump Feb 27 2013 23:48 GMT
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crump since nas and dwarf left are you gonna make a funeral comic?
all hail farnis the poop
posted by Lord Crump Mar 14 2013 02:08 GMT
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Fallen Shade

The Dwarf Crisis: Never Forget
posted by Lord Crump Mar 01 2013 01:58 GMT
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It all started when the wandering King of the Mountain, TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf, joined Digibutter with the intent of spreading his dwarven wisdom. However, Fortran, the Deceiver, and one of the Four Great Adversaries of Digibutter, saw this as an oppurtunity to trick the dwarven king into serving him. Promising the dwarven king riches of untold magnitude, TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf pledged his name in servitude to Fortran. However, this newfound shift in Digibutter's balance of power caught the attention of Crump, the Trickster. Crump revealed himself as the President of Digibutter, for he had once been in a position of great power in these fair lands, and told TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf to follow him instead.

TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf was now caught in a conflict between two great and highly powerful forces; however, in the midst of all of it, his eyes fell upon a fair maiden, known only as Nas. Unbenkowst to him, Nas's hand was already taken by the knight known as Goron Mask, and he proceeded to flirt with the fair maiden, to her disgust. The Trickster, however, delighted in this, and proceeded to reveal a possible future to the citizenry of Digibutter: one in which Nas and Dwarf became one. This infuriated the knight known as Goron, who turned to the dark and dreadful powers of destruction to let the land know his wrath. Digibutter was not completely destroyed, but due to his actions, it will never be the same again.

In the aftermath of his rage, Digibutter has become Dwarfbutter. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go.

lol son u are BUTT. ANGRY.
you're like the sun, if the sun was made out of asshurt idiot. I bet when your mom spaned you at night you tried to grab the switch but she hit u harder and oh boy did you get good and furious, then you went to your room with no dinner and killed your hamster. it's pathetic how outrageous you are.
your face probably looks red and plump like a baby's ass, be careful and don't smother in all the sweat dripping from your bipolar anus. you are having a temper thunderstorm. it's like the devil stuck a spoon in the top of your head and stirred up a hurricane of resentment, you used to just be a regular bottom but now you are a FULL GAY POWER BOTTOM. so *crag*ing mad. lay off the peanut butthurt and jelly sandwiches, you might get too mad at your fat and have a billigerent animosity heart attack.
in short, you have been COLON MURDERED
deal with it you anal-restrained bitchopottamus, or go cry into your daddy's tit as he tells u bedtime stories of hatred. you are literally dumb, everything you post is balls out livid. go squeeze a stress ball before you kill somebody. I've never seen somebody so rectally steamed since you fell off a perturbed cactus into the frustrated sand.
you are to emotional rampage what whitney houston is to crack cocaine. the president of the united states has delegated unto u the department of homeland seriously offended. don't bust a gut trying to hold in that scream, I know you want to release torrents of caboose destruction upon the earth, but you caint because u r a prissy gaytarded faglet. kill yourself dude
prettying up digibutter, one step at a time
posted by Lord Crump Mar 09 2013 04:40 GMT
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looks like youve lost some weight since your last post crump, good to see youre improving
keep it up
her boyfriend is the luckiest guy alive
posted by Lord Crump Mar 09 2013 04:15 GMT
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Fallen Shade

Mage is a noob class
posted by Lord Crump Feb 28 2013 02:48 GMT
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site was borked anyways
Way to go, Goron; you scared Dwarfy away. Hope you're proud of yourself.
posted by Lord Crump Mar 01 2013 02:19 GMT
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Fallen Shade
Awww I'm sure he would've found his way out without my assistance
I declare today Dwarf Day, in honour of TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf and his many accomplishments on Digibutter
posted by Lord Crump Feb 27 2013 23:55 GMT
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May you all have a good dwarf

I'd like to thank all the little people who helped me get here. And, uh... I love you all. Thank you. Goodnight. (Lord Crump is a comedy genius).
Hey Dwarf guy
posted by Lord Crump Feb 27 2013 05:20 GMT
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Don't listen to Fortran; he's a schmuck. I'm the REAL brains behind this operation; I am Lord Crump, the official President of Digibutter. Just look at the old Digibutter archives (You may have to look up "President Cid" because I had a name change for a while). I think my Vice President was Goomba or someone. I was responsible for making like two or three people mods at old Digi, and I can make YOU a mod as well... if you pledge allegiance to me, of course.

I hereby submit my impeachment of President Cid
The Adventures of Nas and Goron Mask: Sexy Dwarf Time Edition
posted by Lord Crump Feb 27 2013 05:58 GMT
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Fallen Shade

Awwww hell naaaaaw

so, once upon a time, there was a napkin sitting atop a television set. Jill de Sol, as naive as ever, grabbed the napkin, to wipe her face, for it was covered in the foul-smelling residue of a meatball marina subway sandwich. after wiping it, she realize
posted by Lord Crump Feb 09 2013 04:35 GMT
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d that the napkin was covered in cum. she got cum all over her face. but the truth--the hideous, disgusting reality--was that this was not just cum, but bio-mutant weapon cum, manufactured by the government to spread AIDs across the populace. nevertheless, jill, disgusted with her newly-found white-snowtop face, grabbed a washcloth and washed her face. she was safe from the AIDs... for now. soon, a robo-terminator busted through the door, ordering jill to hault and surrender. thinking fast, she grabbed the muffalus-snuffin gun and shot the robo-terminator twenty-three times in the pelvis, causing the robo-terminator to activate its self-destruct sequence. jill escaped from the fireball her house had become, only to discover a newspaper on the ground declaring that a mysterious global conspiracy was about to unleash an army of genetically-enhanced hyper-sasquatches upon the state of lousiana. arming up in her super-powered super-suit, she walked along the trail of indefinite hyper-crystallium stars to the lousinaa refuge of seragus-prime number eighty five.

Penguin PornAce

posted by Lord Crump Jan 16 2013 04:40 GMT
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Think of all the nude photos that people will take of you and post on the internet

So, guys, if I had $50, which should I buy? The new Sonic, or the new Zelda?
posted by Lord Crump Oct 30 2011 20:52 GMT
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Hey guys
The CDi says hello.

Let's start a three word story game. I'll start. Once upon a
posted by Lord Crump Sep 10 2009 12:59 GMT
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all those vets