It all started when the wandering King of the Mountain, TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf, joined Digibutter with the intent of spreading his dwarven wisdom. However, Fortran, the Deceiver, and one of the Four Great Adversaries of Digibutter, saw this as an oppurtunity to trick the dwarven king into serving him. Promising the dwarven king riches of untold magnitude, TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf pledged his name in servitude to Fortran. However, this newfound shift in Digibutter's balance of power caught the attention of Crump, the Trickster. Crump revealed himself as the President of Digibutter, for he had once been in a position of great power in these fair lands, and told TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf to follow him instead.
TheDwarfyDwarfDwarf was now caught in a conflict between two great and highly powerful forces; however, in the midst of all of it, his eyes fell upon a fair maiden, known only as Nas. Unbenkowst to him, Nas's hand was already taken by the knight known as Goron Mask, and he proceeded to flirt with the fair maiden, to her disgust. The Trickster, however, delighted in this, and proceeded to reveal a possible future to the citizenry of Digibutter: one in which Nas and Dwarf became one. This infuriated the knight known as Goron, who turned to the dark and dreadful powers of destruction to let the land know his wrath. Digibutter was not completely destroyed, but due to his actions, it will never be the same again.
In the aftermath of his rage, Digibutter has become Dwarfbutter. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go.