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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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Second to last episode of the season. I am so *crag*ing ready.
posted by Lord Crump Jun 01 2013 01:25 GMT

As someone who ruined the entire show for himself by reading the book's plot summary on wikipedia, I can safely say you're going to be in for a good time

argument null and void
posted by Lord Crump May 30 2013 01:11 GMT
francis sums up the xbox one
posted by Lord Crump May 22 2013 02:16 GMT
so, for my vacation this year, I'm going to Disney World; most notably, I will be going to Epcot, where I will be "drinking around the world." Basically, I will be having one drink in each section of the Epcot world showcase
July 4th. if I don't die from alcohol poisioning, I'll tell you gusy all about it
posted by Lord Crump May 21 2013 01:17 GMT

I went to Epcot once it was nice

Playstation 2 Games
So I now have a computer that can run a Playstation 2 emulator with maxed-out settings at 60 FPS, and I've been playing through Final Fantasy XII: International Zodiac Job System. Pretty great shit. What are some other games worth playing on the PS2? ...
posted by Lord Crump May 18 2013 23:41 GMT
I really liked Castlevania: Lament of Innocence if you've never played it.
posted by Lord Crump May 18 2013 19:24 GMT
well then
it's a conspiracy
posted by Lord Crump May 18 2013 06:18 GMT
moar hodor
posted by Lord Crump May 17 2013 23:00 GMT
Lord Crump
posted by Lord Crump May 17 2013 03:11 GMT

The International Union of Sloopy
sloops mcgoops
posted by Lord Crump May 15 2013 02:05 GMT
Lord Crump

don't you
forget about sloopy


digibutter's theme song
posted by Lord Crump May 11 2013 16:53 GMT
Fallen Shade
That isn't tapeworms either
I am really drunk right now, but I am putting my best effort into being as coherent as possible, for I believe this is a serious issue that will affect the course of the evolution of our site. Franis, we need more members.
Betalands is brilliant, and I love how it is evolving so far, but once beta ends, Franis, who will be playing it? Aside from the twelve or so members who currently frequent the site? You need a larger user-base, Franis. Advertise. It will do good for yo...
posted by Lord Crump May 11 2013 04:01 GMT
Fallen Shade


So, after getting really drunk last night, I had a dream where some people were crowded around this weird-looking dog and calling it a pug dog. It wasn't a pug, as it had curly hair and looked like a cloud
So I tapped it on its head and its face "unfurled," revealing it was scrunched up to look like a pug dog's face. As it unfurled, it took the shape of a sheep's head and finally a pit bull's head. But the pit bull's head was all wavy and wobbly and soft,...
posted by Lord Crump May 10 2013 00:52 GMT
1 Like?
Ph1r3 App Inventor for Android's visual block language
drink more you wouldn't even need dreams
i caught buttfly
flerp mcgerp beautiful butt
posted by Lord Crump May 09 2013 01:21 GMT in Digital Butterflies
1 Like?
Those are actually well designed.
Guys, I'm Superman.
posted by Lord Crump May 08 2013 02:58 GMT
Steal a woman for ten years crump
you are the only one
Best Game of Thrones scene ever
posted by Lord Crump May 07 2013 03:56 GMT
The Simpsons explain why they are still on the air
posted by Lord Crump May 03 2013 00:57 GMT
2 Like?
Fallen Shade
Perfect foreshadowing
So, I had a dream last night where I was hired at Valve at a game designer, and everyone who worked there was a massive weaboo who wore cat ears. Anyway, I was working on Half-Life 3, and Gordon Freeman was an android
and he could command headcrabs like pikmin, so it was like a real time strategy/fps hybrid and the g-man was dressed like Disco Stu
posted by Lord Crump Apr 24 2013 00:32 GMT
*crag* valve, make that a reality. use your unity fanboy powers.
posted by Lord Crump Apr 23 2013 04:16 GMT
fuels my nightmares
en.wikipedia.org posted by Lord Crump Apr 21 2013 04:06 GMT
Fallen Shade
Oh man I remember that show, it was actually pretty frightening as a kid
