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Ohey how is it here?
posted by Shadoo.exe Sep 10 2009 20:03 GMT
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Tails Doll
Kiddielang is now a forced meme
posted by Shadoo.exe Dec 03 2009 23:02 GMT in The Dump
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Every day Francis doesn't play TTYD a kitten dies from cancer.
posted by Shadoo.exe Dec 02 2009 06:13 GMT
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TTYD is awesome but I still prefer SPM mostly.for a battle system?TTYD for sure.so....SPM AND TTYD FTW!!!
Why is it called a Weighted Storage Cube if it doesn't store anything?
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 30 2009 06:43 GMT
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It's said to store the body parts of the patients that were before Chell.
Nerr 2.0 is the bastard child of /b/ and /v/. I hope you know that, Francis.
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 29 2009 21:40 GMT
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Actually, upon thinking of it, I have no doubt this just scares people off. They see the bad as soon as they open up the page. It no doubt scares them off.
Shut up Francis and play TTYD
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 29 2009 08:07 GMT
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Shut up MeowMixer
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 29 2009 07:32 GMT
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It's Francis's fault for not playing TTYD
Francis make a damn shop/coin script already.
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 28 2009 18:36 GMT
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No one even used the coin system near the end
Where did the Science go? ;_;
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 28 2009 22:36 GMT
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Spam? In MY digibutter?
posted by Shadoo.exe Nov 27 2009 05:36 GMT
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Fallen Shade