If you are unaware of what it is, it's a leaker who predicted WFT, Mii, Palutena, all those people. He also says Shulk from Xenoblade, Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening, and The Choir Boys from Rhythym Heaven are also on the way. Do you belive this?
Unlike your average child with the patience span of twelve picoseconds I can actually just wait for the game to release so I don't give a shit about fake leaks to rake in views for a website.
fortan u stupid idiot!!!!! XBox doesnt even make Nintendos yuo frickin NOOOOB!!!!!! i mea. Hkw STUPID can you BE,? such a noo.b lol. I hope uou frikin did to being so idiot stupid,, and ibviously if anyones getting in its NARUTO not fricmin GOMU!! Nobody even cares abojt koku but naruto stills has a hit show and Airs on the same channel as Pokémon (lol not pokEmon like a NOOB like u mite thing LOL) so his chanfes are so much better