Monday Night Combat's free 'Spunky Cola Special' DLC out tomorrow
Posted by Joystiq Nov 30 2010 20:40 GMT in Monday Night Combat
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If you still spend a majority of your evenings on the colorful, brutal battlefields of Monday Night Combat, you should brace yourself for the extremely imminent addition of two new areas for you to cover in blood, money and bacon. The "Spunky Cola Special" DLC pack will arrive on XBLA tomorrow, adding the titular Spunky Cola Arena for the game's competitive Crossfire mode, and the Survivitol Arena for the co-operative Blitz mode. Best of all, unlike the game's catalog of upgrades and turrets, the new content will be absolutely free of charge.

Check out a trailer for the "Spunky" pack, as well as a full list of the new modes, gameplay options and class changes therein, just past the jump. There's a lot to read, but make sure your eyes don't absentmindedly pass over the announcement about the new Churros power-up without taking a moment to appreciate how breathtaking said announcement really is.

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