Club Nintendo offers Dragon Quest IX screensaver, Mario towels
Posted by Joystiq Dec 02 2010 05:00 GMT in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Club Nintendo has introduced two more choices for your fun-money shopping. Another 10-Coin screensaver is available, this time featuring Dragon Quest IX artwork against a backdrop of the world map. If you're less prone to screen burn-in and more prone to spill your drink, you may be more interested in the other new item: the set of three Mario towels originally released in Japan last July.

Of course, given that each towel goes for 350 Coins, you'd probably be better off reaching for the paper towels, instead of ordering one of these and then waiting several weeks for it to arrive. We don't want to imagine the horror of actually cleaning with one of these. They're too ... collectible!

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