DC Universe Online gets first game update, SOE has more on the way
Posted by Joystiq Feb 23 2011 03:30 GMT in DC Universe Online
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The first major update for DC Universe Online is now available for both the PS3 and PC versions of the game (just a day or so after the first buyers' subscription plans kicked in). The patch includes a new eight-player raid inside the Batcave; a number of new missions based around Catwoman and other DC luminaries; some "Love is a Battlefield" holiday content and the long-awaited Auction House functionality. Sony is also streamlining the social UI quite a bit, answering players' wishes for an easier-to-use chat system.

And if that's not enough updating for you, Sony has started revealing what's coming next in an interview over at PC Gamer. More bugfixes are incoming, including fixes to issues around voice chat and grouping. In future content, Sony's Chris Cao says that The Penguin is going to get his due, as well as the Flash and some of his associated heroes. It all sounds fun -- SOE promised to push updates quickly on this one, and this free content is its first delivery.

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