Zelda Reorchestrated seeking donations for 'Twilight Symphony'
Posted by Joystiq Feb 24 2011 08:00 GMT in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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The talented musicians from Zelda Reorchestrated are asking the gaming community for a bit of help in realizing their most ambitious project to date: a two-and-a-half-hour, 40-track compilation of orchestral pieces inspired by the score for Twilight Princess. The group needs a full-sized choir to lend its vocal talents on some of the songs, but unfortunately, hiring a full-sized choir is a super expensive thing to do.

You can find out more details about the project, and make a helpful contribution, over on the ZREO Kickstarter page. There's some sweet incentives for donors too, including a personal arrangement of your favorite Nintendo theme song. (We'll take the ending theme to Little Nemo, thanks.)

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