Bizlympics Butterfly- Tiptron Mk V
Posted by Jr The Dark Knight Apr 10 2009 12:45 GMT in Digital Butterflies
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Here she is, the grand beauty that I stole from Francis....I mean I made this...
She's in the beta. Here's Tiptron Mk V.
18/18 HP
21/50 EXP
Level 2
1. Antanae Beat- 2 Damage.
2. Antane Shock- 9 Damage.
3. Wing Slap- 2 Damage.
4. Wind Gust- 9 Damage.


hey francis isn't this cool how I can just do this without doing something like giving it a cookie? Look I'm pretty much every new member ever. You like new members, right? This is the most new memberyist thing you can do pretty much.
Reply by Fortran Jul 25 2012 04:32 GMT
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