The men's magazines that make Trenched manlier
Posted by Joystiq May 03 2011 15:00 GMT in Trenched
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The fightin' robots of Trenched are pretty tough-looking, but they don't make for an "extremely, extremely manly" game on their own. So Double Fine turned to men's magazines from the 1940s and '50s as a visual reference for the XBLA game. "Our lead artist, Geoff Soulis, took to this art style right away and fully embraced the manly aesthetic," project lead Brad Muir said in a Bitmob post. "It was an extremely manly embrace."

Double Fine and a Microsoft art team created fake men's magazine covers to depict story elements in the game, like the loss of protagonist Frank Woodruff's legs, a patriotic-themed mutilation for which Tim Schafer himself modeled. Male modeled. Those covers are accompanied by hilarious story headlines like "Pirates Took My Cat! -- I Should Have Listened!"

You can see plenty more covers, and plenty more repetitions of the word "manly," at Bitmob.

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