The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D review: From Hyrule with Love
Posted by Joystiq Jun 17 2011 20:50 GMT in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time hasn't stopped being one of the greatest video games ever created in the 13 years since its initial Nintendo 64 release. Its decade-spanning story, lovable characters and groundbreaking methods of interacting with a 3D world were so ahead of their time in 1998, the game still manages to outpace most action-adventure games released today. This is very, very fortunate for Nintendo, because Ocarina of Time 3D is about as straightforward a remake as remakes come.

Aside from a few neat gimmicks tied to the 3DS' hardware capabilities, Grezzo's renovation of Nintendo EAD's masterpiece is entirely superficial. In this complete aesthetic overhaul, however, Grezzo has exhibited something extremely rare for developers -- more rare, even, than the creativity and inspiration that made the original Ocarina of Time such a revelation: Grezzo designed every gorgeous inch of Hyrule with unswerving, boundless love.

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