True Grit: Back To Bastion
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 14 2011 19:37 GMT in Bastion
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Supergiant’s sombre action-RPG was released on PC a few backs; John has already told you what he thinks of it, but in the last few days I’ve been exploring its shattered world for myself. It’s put me in a funny place. Spoilers of a sort await, so don’t read this unless you’ve played the game, don’t intend to, or don’t give a toss about narrative events in a hack and slash game.

I was sad when it ended. Forlorn, even. For me, that isn’t a regular state of affairs. Even with games I love, I’m oddly grateful when they wrap up – there’s a sense of accomplishment to it, and a relief that they didn’t string things out too long or defeat my sense of goodwill with a BioShock-boss or one too many achingly earnest cutscenes. Bastion, though: a true wave of sadness hit me as the credits rolled.(more…)

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