Making the World a Better Place Through Time Travel
Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 04 2011 14:00 GMT in Achron
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Your ability to manipulate time in Achron happens at the bottom of the screen. The changes happen during "time waves."

Sweaty palms, pounding heart, and a mind that won't stop racing. The sooner it's over, the better, you tell yourself, but wouldn't it be be nice if someone pulled a fire alarm and ensured this didn't have to happen at all?

That probably describes public speaking for most of us, even if it's the best man speech you've rehearsed for weeks. Now, imagine being asked to present your ideas to some of the world's most powerful people in a small room at the Pentagon.

"I don't remember the last time I was nervous presenting," said Christopher Hazard, founder of Hazardous Software and one of the two main developers on Achron, a real-time-strategy game with time travel mechanics as impressive as they are perplexing.

Yes, the same Achron that collectively melted the brains of a room of Whiskey Media employees during a recent Quick Look. The same RTS that allows players to play with time and space to create the ideal outcome for a matchup by allowing the player to jump back and forth through time. If Achron were real, we could practice our public appearances over and over again.

Knowing that, it shouldn't be much of a surprise Hazard knows how to keep his cool.

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