Supergiant Games opens online store
Posted by Joystiq Dec 07 2011 17:25 GMT in Bastion
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The Kid needs coin, he's got a whole world to rebuild.
Bastion developer Supergiant Games recently launched its online store, featuring merchandise related derived from its summer standout. There's the soundtrack for ears, the limited edition "Kid vs. Scumbag" print for eyes, and the Bastion bandana and t-shirt to cover one's naked shame.

For those with the cash to spare, the Bastion Collector's Bundle includes a mess of goodies, along with a copy of the previously mentioned "Kid vs. Scumbag" print autographed by all seven of the Supergiant Games team.

They mention that since Bastion launched, they've received a ton of requests for different kinds of game-related merchandise, but would rather "release a smaller number of high quality items over time than try to do everything at once." But, Supergiant, imagine all the cash you could make off white wigs, face bandages and hand wraps!

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