Meet The Other Games That OnLive’s Making Playable With Their New Tablet App
Posted by Kotaku Dec 08 2011 16:40 GMT in OnLive
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#onlive My preview yesterday about OnLive's new tablet app focused on the controller, because it's the crucial piece for playing a certain kind of game. But the cloud gaming company's making a slew of titles playable by touch input as well. There will be three kinds of input that OnLive will be implementing on tablets: native touch, a virtual control pad and Universal OnLive controller. The conversion work's mostly being done by OnLive. The exception is with marquee title L.A Noire, which is being handled by Rockstar Games and hasn't yet showed up in the OnLive Marketplace. Here's the list of other titles that will be optimized for multiple control methods with OnLive's new tablet app: More »

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