Sorcery bewitching PlayStation 3 owners in spring 2012
Posted by Joystiq Dec 14 2011 16:44 GMT in Sorcery
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Sorcery, a PlayStation Move game announced way back at E3 2010 and kept in relative silence since then, is set to launch this coming spring. SCEA hasn't offered a finer launch date beyond that.

For those of you who might have forgotten about the title, Sorcery is a third-person, Move-centric title for the PS3 developed by California-based dev The Workshop. Players cast spells to take out enemies and solve puzzles via the PS3's motion peripheral, all the while controlling a player character on screen via Nav controller or DualShock 3.

Still not clear? It's often referred to as, "That Move game that looked neat and then disappeared." Yeahhhhh, that one. Exactly.

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