RUMOR - Nintendo interested in publishing digital book content on Wii U/3DS?
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 02 2012 22:19 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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How would you like the ability to download books, magazines, newspapers, comics, and other publications to the Wii U? Having those available in the palm of your hand would be nice, wouldn't it? Rumor has it Nintendo is already hard at work on making this happen.

Digital publishing for the Wii U would make perfect sense. Just hang onto the Wii U controller and you could be reading a digital version of your favorite newspaper or magazine. If that's not an option, the rumor also states that the 3DS is going to get in on this service as well.

Newspapers and comics not your thing? How about player's guides, instruction booklets and Nintendo Power? The rumor also indicates that Nintendo is looking to add VC players guides and instruction booklets to the digital service, and then will top things off with a virtual library of past Nintendo Power issues.

Sounds like a dream come true to me! Let's hope this turns out to be fact instead of fiction. Thanks to Casey for the heads up!

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