The Mystery of Saints Row: The Third's 8th Player Voice
Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 07 2012 20:35 GMT in Saints Row: The Third
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Gross revealed Volition's internal voice management system is actually called Talk-o. I'm hungry.

When you make a character in Saints Row: The Third, there are seven different voices you can choose from, including a damn zombie. At one point, however, there were eight.

This groundbreaking revelation was part of Volition senior audio designer Ariel Gross' presentation at the Game Developers Conference this morning, a largely developer-focused talk on voice production for Saints Row: The Third.

The mysterious eight voice? A completely auto-tuned player.

When Gross said this, the entire audience groaned in disappointment.

"I know," said Gross. "I know."

Like I said, the whole audience, which was mostly developers, was audibly upset.

"It was a really painful cut, but it was the right decision in terms of scope," he said.

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