Asura's Wrath 'Episode 11.5' DLC available today, more to come
Posted by Joystiq Mar 28 2012 03:00 GMT in Asura's Wrath
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Relax -- stop going around knocking over magazine racks like you're Asura. Capcom will extend Asura's Wrath with some new DLC, dubbed Episode 11.5, for 160 MS Points ($2). Another episode, 15.5, will arrive on April 4 at the same price. Finally, on April 25, Capcom will release four DLC episodes in a bundle for 560 MS Points ($7).

Now, you're probably wondering where that Ryu DLC is, right? Asura will exchange blows with the Street Fighter on May 9 and with Akuma the following week, on May 16. Those two DLC episodes will cost 160 MS Points ($2) each.

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