LEGO Legend of Zelda concept creator discusses his process
Posted by GoNintendo May 14 2012 18:37 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Nintendo Life interview with LEGO Legend of Zelda concept creator Michael Inglis...

NL: Can you share what programs or tools you used to create your designs?

MI: All of my models have been created in Autodesk Inventor. I’m obsessed with how accurate a model is, so dimensions and scale are important factors to be taken into account and Inventor handles this brilliantly. The decals used on the Minifigures were designed in Photoshop.

NL: How long did it take you to produce the drawings, and did you go through many drafts or experiments before settling on the final results?

MI: I often miss out the planning step of the creative process and dive straight into the model. This allows me to complete a design such as a sword usually in a couple of hours. Earlier examples such as my first Master Sword took me a couple of weeks as I was relatively new to the software and had to actually sit down and think about how I could go about creating the model. I recall the decal for Link’s face went through quite a few renditions. I had originally planned a manga style which featured eyes very close to the ones featured in Twilight Princess. This created quite a lot of backlash among the comments with people relating it to The Clone Wars series of heads. I eventually settled on the more basic LEGO-esque eyes seen on the project header today. While not my own personal preference, it seemed to appeal to more people.

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