REVIEW: [MEH] 5/10
Posted by sims May 19 2012 17:09 GMT in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
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the game is okay

a lot of the flaws are fixed from the first one but it introduces new ones of its own

the physics have been redone completely and actually work rather well now.

the tag commands are pretty terrible, press a button to launch them, wait three seconds for the pointless animation, and then stuff happens. flight works nothing like the original games, rather than being based on time it's based on how many times you pressed the button and after 7 tails gets tired automatically. tails can swim indefinetly though making water pretty pointless. the super 69 spin dash thing is completely broken, it makes you invincible to practically everything (you can roll on top of spikes without harm) and completely wrecks everyones shit.

there's nothing inherently wrong with the level design, they're not really hold right to win but they're not exactly special either. there was one instance in the third zone where you had to navigate tails' flight over a bottomless pitwhile wind is pushing you around and it was really irritating but I have no real problems with the rest of them.

the level graphics are much better now though. rather than following episode 1's idea of "oh this is casino night zone BUT IT ISN'T I SWEAR" the levels are actually fairly unique now and it's really nice.


how the music is depends on person to person. it still has the terrible instruments that episode 1 has. I think the melodies are better but I can see why people might disagree.



white park act 2

it's not really worth $15 but if it goes on sale for like 5 maybe it's worth getting


last 2 zones in the game are godawful, changing rating to 4/10
Reply by sims May 21 2012 14:22 GMT
final boss is pretty much the worst thing ever, changing rating to 3/10
Reply by sims May 21 2012 20:17 GMT
*crag* it changing vote to 0/10 don't bother
Reply by sims May 23 2012 02:00 GMT

What a poorly written review. However, I'll address only the most asinine part of it because I'm a bit short of time right now:

"tails can swim indefinetly though making water pretty pointless."

You've got that backwards. The fact that you can swim indefinitely makes water NOT pointless, as the swimming is similar to flying except that it's infinite, allowing for puzzles and layouts that wouldn't be possible on air, where you have limited flying time.

Also, by your (deeply flawed) logic, water is pointless in any platformer that lets you swim indefinitely, like Mario.

Reply by Redde Sep 11 2012 14:56 GMT
It's kind of a thing in the sonic the hedgehog games (1 through 3 specifically) that you have limited air under water.
Reply by Nastasia Sep 11 2012 16:19 GMT
And 4 part 1 and 2 are supposed to follow the same sort of format as 1 through 3 anyway so you can't say it's not like 1 through 3
Reply by Nastasia Sep 11 2012 16:20 GMT
now stop before you assume i'm saying 4 1/2 is supposed to be exactly like 1 through 3, think before you talk. because i am not saying 4 1/2 is supposed to be exactly like 1 through 3
Reply by Nastasia Sep 11 2012 16:21 GMT
sorry I'm not a professional game reviewer bro I'll try harder to emulate my heroes kotaku and joystiq
Reply by sims Sep 11 2012 20:38 GMT
lmao kotaku
Reply by Wootman Sep 11 2012 21:29 GMT
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