IndieCade at E3: The haunting of A Valley Without Wind
Posted by Joystiq Jun 08 2012 03:00 GMT in A Valley Without Wind
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I'm being haunted by A Valley Without Wind.

After writing up its Indie Pitch, I believed it would venture forth into the cold, discriminating world of indie game launches with an extra bullet in its magazine, but that I would be largely uninvolved and perhaps unaware of its performance, as I have to believe with most indie games that ping my inbox. Instead, A Valley Without Wind and its developer, Arcen Games, began to appear in my daily news feed. A whisper of beta updates. The flash of a major-outlet review. A piercing launch on Steam. And now, the biggest shock of all: A spot in E3's IndieCade exhibition.

So finally, I gave in and played A Valley Without Wind, hoping to exorcise its presence from my Twitter feed - though like the antagonists of most ghost movies, I doubt this one will leave me alone for long.

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