I'm having trouble :(
Posted by Pyros Kiggers Jun 08 2012 22:44 GMT in Pyros Kiggers
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I got Spyro:A Hero's Tail last December,and I started to enjoy it.....but after I played for a while and made it to the Hiiiiiiiii-Technicaaal Lost Cities realm,I exited the game.....and savez que?I tried to play later and it told me that the SAVE FILE WAS CORRUPTED.I then took extra care not to turn the power off while the Autosave icon was onscreen.I then started a new game file,and after quitting when I wanted a break,I came back later and I was prompted that the game data did not exist.I then started ANOTHER playthrough,made it a bit farther than the first time,and was enjoying it.Then,just yesterday,I turned my GameCube on and it gave me the prompt of a corrupted save file.I was furious.I am,once again,playing the GameCube version,and none of my other games have this trouble.Any suggestions(Don't type "give up" or immopunchu.)


Did I mention the Sparx minigames are hard for me?I guess I'll just quit the game manually from now on.


give up

bring it bitch



No but in all seriousness you probably have a bad memory card, some GC memory cards stop working for a few titles, one of which is spyro(though the more piss offy one is animal crossing.)

Reply by Super-Claus Jun 08 2012 22:55 GMT
scratched disk, dust inside of gamecube, dust inside of memory card, gamecube developing problems due to aging, poor treatment of gamecube and gamecube parts/disks, game programmed like garbage...anything
Reply by Nastasia Jun 09 2012 10:25 GMT
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