THQ’s Jason Rubin Responds to Darksiders Fans
Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 13 2012 22:13 GMT in Saints Row: The Third
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THQ is a financially troubled company, and newly appointed president Jason Rubin probably has enough on its plate, but comments featured in a recent story on Polygon have provoked the ire of many fans. Rubin's chosen to respond twice now.

Rubin has been THQ's president less than a month.

Rubin pushed back on his quoted characterization of Saints Row: The Third as “embarrassing” after that blew up last Friday, and he published a lengthy statement to Darksiders fans on the game’s Facebook page today.

The inflamed response was the result of this quote:

"Darksiders II is very interesting," said Rubin. "but I think I can get that team to make other very interesting games."

Darksiders fans took that to mean he was coming in and killing the Darksiders franchise. Not so, according to Rubin.

“The quote implied that I am not enthusiastically behind the Darksiders universe, and that THQ has made decisions not to continue the Darksiders franchise,” he said. “This is simply untrue.”

“My quote ‘I can get the team to make other interesting games’ was intended in the context of having different teams within this incredibly talented studio work on new original IP, as well as continuing to support the Darksiders franchise,” he continued.

That sounds pretty good to me.

Darksiders II, set prior to the events of the original Darksiders and featuring a different member of the four horsemen, Death, is scheduled for a release on August 14. It had originally been aiming for June but was briefly delayed.

“I'm incredibly excited about Vigil and the Darksiders franchise,” said Rubin.

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