Relic auctioning collectors items for cancer society
Posted by Joystiq Sep 19 2012 15:30 GMT in THQ
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Relic is selling memorabilia on eBay - not to help its precarious parent company THQ - but for the nobler cause of the Canadian Cancer Society. The studio is gathering money for an event called Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer, where each team has to raise $10,000 to participate in a dawn 'til dusk hockey tournament. All the money goes directly to the charity. Also, we can't think of a more Canadian charity event we'd care to write about today.

"We're closing in on our goal, but we still need a bit more money - so we're holding an auction for some signed swag," Relic designer Ryan McGechaen told us. "We have a ton of cool stuff, including an unopened copy of Homeworld 2 signed by the dev team!"

Other items up for auction, signed by their respective development teams, include a Company of Heroes 2 notebook, Space Marine: Collector's Edition for Xbox 360 and several posters. Check out the items on eBay - shouldn't it be eBeh?

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