Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth arises in scans
Posted by Joystiq Oct 13 2009 15:05 GMT in Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth
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Though Konami still has yet to officially announce Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth for WiiWare, the title has shown up on the ESRB's database, Nintendo's release calendar and now in Famitsu ... with full release details. We're going to go ahead and call "case closed" on this one.As the name suggests, the new game is a "concept remake" of Castlevania: The Adventure for Game Boy; a game that desperately needed to be remade. ReBirth will have new enemies and altered level designs -- most notably, stairs have been implemented to replace the ropes from the Game Boy game. It'll also have new arrangements of classic Castlevania music. Like the other ReBirth games, this one is going for a faithful 16-bit look.ReBirth will be out in Japan on October 27 for 1,000 Wii Points. Nintendo's calendar gave it a "Q3 2009" date for North America, so it could be out here by Halloween as well!

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