ZombiU - multiplayer in St. George's Yard
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 29 2012 18:13 GMT in ZombiU
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"You've seen the Tower Of London gameplay footage by now, so you know we are going to have to breach the Traitor's Gate and penetrate the depths of the Bloody Tower to find the Raven Of Dee's Secret Bunker, but you've never heard of St George's Yard.

St George's is our hell within hell. Survivors here are unwilling participants in a twisted game in which they are thrown to the infected. Our multiplayer arenas are a spin-off of this mission in the campaign." - story director Gabrielle Shrager

I really think the multiplayer, even without the regular online features of most FPS games, is going to be something special. Don't dismiss the local multiplayer in this game!

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