Paper Mario $20, Kid Icarus $15, Darksiders 2 $15 at
Posted by Joystiq Feb 15 2013 16:45 GMT in Paper Mario Sticker Star
- 1 Like? wants you to start your weekend with some much needed self-indulgence, because, like a supermodel slathered in megaprettyoxide-infused war paint, you're worth it. So why not treat your beauticious self to Paper Mario: Sticker Star, going at $19.99, or Kid Icarus: Uprising for $14.99?

Of course, you might feel you're worth that and quite a bit more. If so, you could always plump for Epic Mickey 2 on Wii at $11.99, or Darksiders 2 on PS3 or Xbox 360 at $14.99.

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