Wii U firmware 3.0.0 U update - full details
Posted by GoNintendo Apr 26 2013 00:40 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Version 3.0.0 U
Released: April 25, 2013
New Features:
A standby function to download and install software while the system is powered off
Software purchased from the Nintendo eShop will automatically install in the background once the download is complete
Holding down the B Button while the Wii U logo is displayed during startup will load the Wii Menu*¹
Changes to System Settings:
An option to transfer and/or copy between two USB storage devices in "Data Management"
The ability to select multiple software titles when transferring, copying, or deleting data in "Data Management"
The option to adjust screen size is now available under "TV"*²
"Auto Power-Down" has been renamed "Power Settings"
Changes to Miiverse
Changes to Nintendo eShop
Changes to the Internet Browser
Changes to Download Management
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
*1 User selection may be necessary.
*2 A similar option has been removed from Nintendo eShop, Miiverse, and the Internet Browser.

Thanks to Alan for the heads up!

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Oh boy more basic stuff that should have been there on day one. Glad we can rely on one of the biggest companies on the planet to just manage what a neckbeard in a garage can do.
Reply by Fortran Apr 26 2013 03:18 GMT
The alternative is for Nintendo to delay the launch of the console for several months while they sort everything out. Take your pick.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Apr 26 2013 10:49 GMT

Reply by Francis Apr 26 2013 12:36 GMT
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever" - some random asshole
Reply by Fortran Apr 26 2013 19:27 GMT
"Software is never finished. It is only abandoned". A bad game/console doesn't have to stay that way, now that it can be updated.
Reply by Francis Apr 26 2013 19:50 GMT
People are going to be upset regardless of whether Nintendo releases on time and patches in the missing features later or delay the release for months until everything is sorted. Ultimately they decided that they would disappoint fewer people by doing the former. Not to mention people are quite capable of pretending that Nintendo had delayed the release and not buying it until the features they want are patched in, but it's not possible the other way around.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Apr 26 2013 20:15 GMT
Of course, never mind that they should have had a fully featured system from day one just like every other console they've released. Oh, but we can update it now! Let's throw some random shit in it and ship it, we'll fix it after people buy it.
Reply by Fortran Apr 26 2013 20:27 GMT
You don't have to buy it. And they never had to make it.
Reply by DarkBlueAce Apr 27 2013 05:56 GMT
They never had to make it? They never had to give people work? So they can feed their kids instead of begging for change or working at sweat shops? Nintendo is a massive player in the video game industry, and that's a big industry. Yes, they had to make it. They offer services, and people pay money for services, but not if they get bored of them. It's not just Nintendo either, it's the developers and reviewers, there are industries that revolve around this industry. Millions of people rely on Nintendo releasing consoles, and since the Wii U is failing due to their incompetence, millions are paying the price.
Reply by Fortran Apr 27 2013 06:47 GMT
Don't confuse yourself fortran, the wii U is failing because of their incompetence in MARKETING, not in hardware development.
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 27 2013 12:50 GMT

What's to market?

An upgraded Wii with HD graphics that's mixed with a DS?


It's not going to sell like the Wii did. (Still love the bloody thing though)

Reply by Ignorant Apr 28 2013 06:33 GMT
now you're just over simplifying it.
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 28 2013 13:03 GMT
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