This Music Game Cheat Sure Is Unsual
Posted by Kotaku May 29 2013 08:30 GMT in Kinect
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When you think of Japanese music games, you probably think of people doing elaborate dance routines. If you want to rack up a high score, you need to move. Or do you? Above, you can see YouTube user Aicecream777 dancing her heart out while playing Dance Evolution Arcade, the Japanese arcade version of the Kinect original. But, as YouTube user Ugougogon2 shows, you don't need to dance your heart out. Heck, you don't even need to dance. You can kinda just stand there and get a perfect score. Apparently, this works on the song "Magic Love 1000%" and you need to strike the same pose that Ugougogon2 does—not an easy pose at that! Be sure to watch his video all the way to the end. ダンエボ初心者におすすめ? [Ugougogon2@YouTube] To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft. Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.

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