Surgeon Simulator 2013 takes a stab at Oculus Rift
Posted by Joystiq Jul 01 2013 02:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Surgeon Simulator 2013 doesn't look any easier on Oculus Rift than it is on PC - and that's awesome. As a game that's a basically QWOP for wannabe open-heart surgeons, the more precarious the controls, the better the game.

With this build of Surgeon Simulator in Oculus Rift, the player controls the hand and arm only, while field of view is dictated by the player's head moving around. Just like a real surgeon. Kind of. Maybe. Bossa Studios announced Oculus Rift and Razer Hydra support for Surgeon Simulator earlier in June, and we're happy to report that it appears none of the game's ridiculous charm has dissipated with its virtual reality form.

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