Ravensdale Kickstarted ended, goal missed but project not dead
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 15 2013 21:07 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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We will keep the Backer-only forum section open and we will start posting things there regarding Ravensdale and its future. As we said, the game will likely not see the light of day if we do not meet our Kickstarter goal, these will mostly be updates regarding what we plan to do with Ravensdale now as we look into alternate ways to keep the project going. As a reminder, if you still want access to the Development forums, be sure to send a mail requesting access with your Kickstarter username to: backers@bfgames.biz.

Our most immediate goal is to find an alternate way to fund Ravensdale. This includes possible publishing deals even if we take the risk to lose the IP. We believe in Ravensdale and we got lots of positive feedback from you and the press. It might not have been the right project and time for Kickstarter, but the campaign raised attention.

Full details here

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