Retro City Rampage - 3DS details (no 3D) and screens
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 21 2013 18:27 GMT in Retro City Rampage
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Coming from the official blog...

The 3DS version is the first that's required significant development work. While all previous versions were nearly pixel-for-pixel identical, the dual screens, lower resolution and less beefy processor meant some things had to go back to the drawing board. Quality's important to me and for it to play well, it wasn't going to be a quick-n-dirty port. It packs all of the same content as the other versions, including the new Retro+ Enhanced Graphics mode, but every mission is being tweaked and adjusted to run best with the zoomed in camera. I'm also still working on the best ways to utilize the bottom screen for both convenience and gameplay. I'm not a fan of flow-breaking minigames, but selecting weapons, scrolling the minimap, or even using the screen for dual-stick style shooting are on my list to explore.

The main game is 2D, just like the other platforms. While just as much as you, I would love to play RCR in 3D, with a top down angle, a conversion wouldn't be trivial. With sidescrollers, developers can simply separate the background and foreground layers and distance them apart. However, with a top down perspective using cube-like objects such as buildings and vehicles, it would require the graphics to all be recreated as 3D objects, a new rendering engine, a camera system that players would be happy with, and further optimizations. For a new game it would be more feasible, but for an existing one, it simply would've taken too long.

I'm happy to announce that Retro City Rampage for Nintendo 3DS™ will be playable at Nintendo's PAX Prime booth next week in Seattle! Come by and give it a try. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's feedback to make it the best it can be on the 3DS. ...and it's slated to be released on the eShop this holiday season.


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