Kamiya explains why he's so vocal on Twitter
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 03 2013 19:18 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Kotaku interview with Hideki Kamiya...

Kotaku: You’re very vocal on Twitter. I think it's weird how video game creators then not to speak out a lot. We don’t get to hear how they feel about the fans, the games and the way that people write about them. What do you personally get out of using Twitter like this and connecting with people? P

Kamiya: It’s really less about me and what kind of merits there are for me personally. What I really want is for users to see the perspective of game creators. And, in regard to the games, [I want] users not to just play and be done with the game, but to play the game and understand the context of where it came from, and give perspectives on games that, “It doesn’t just come like a product out of a company; it comes from a human.” P

Twitter is a great opportunity to have that avenue to communicate and express myself as a human and provide that for fans. When I was young, there was a very impactful magazine section that featured game designers. There was a column in a magazine featuring game designers like Shigeru Miyamoto, and Masanobu Endō. It was sort of a revelation to see, “Wow, there is such a profession. There is such a thing.” P

That was an inspiration, a driving force behind me saying, “I want to do that, too, and I want to be able to make games like these great designers.” Currently, I think [being on Twitter] is a really good source of inspiration for people who have aspirations to grow up and make games for users to even see that there are game designers behind the scenes.P

In regard to my activity on Twitter, it may come off [like I’m] this individual really, really shooting from the hip. But I do have a very strong policy as to the way I communicate on Twitter. A lot of that lies behind me really wanting users to judge things for themselves, to actually play a game and decide if something is good or bad based on that. If they have questions about something in the game, my policy is to not make excuses for it. I’ll answer questions but I definitely don’t want to make excuses. My goal on Twitter is for the users to be able to get to know me.

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