Oh Hell: No Offline For Diablo III PC Despite Consoles
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 07 2013 13:00 GMT in Diablo III
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Hey, did you hear that Diablo III is on consoles now? Of course you didn’t. You only read RPS and consider all other information redundant and moot. That’s why we’re friends. But console things do occasionally happen once in a blue moon, and even though nobody cares at all ever, this particular news bit might be pertinent to your continued happiness and merrymaking – or lack thereof. See, the console version of Blizzard’s hack ‘n’ slash stumble does away with one of our necronomicopy’s biggest downsides: an online requirement. So surely, finally, we can have the option to go offline now too, right? Right? Please? Oh gosh, stop making that face. Just… just humor us maybe? Ugh, fine.


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