What Does It Meaaaaan: Half-Life 3 Trademarked
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 01 2013 21:00 GMT in Half-Life 3
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As if there were any doubt, it looks like Half-Life 3 is officially some kind of a thing. Enough so, at least, that Valve feels the need to make sure everyone knows who it belongs to. And hey, who wouldn’t want Gordon Freeman leading the charge on liberating the living room from the nefarious Combine force that is proprietary, closed console-dom? Also, I did have the fortune of speaking to a Valve source recently who dropped some pretty big hints about Source 2, Left 4 Dead 3, and Half-Life 3. So that’s worth noting as well. But even then, nothing’s even close to confirmed. Here’s what we definitely do know.


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