Atomic Ninjas bring indirect death to PS3 and Vita next week
Posted by Joystiq Oct 02 2013 23:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Multiplayer brawl-'em-up Atomic Ninjas is on its way to the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita via PSN on October 8, developer Grip Games revealed today.

Announced earlier this year, Atomic Ninjas is a competitive platformer in which players must use trickery and trappery to murder their opponents. Direct attacks won't damage enemy ninjas - you'll need to use environmental hazards and power-ups in order to lead your friends to their doom, putting a unique spin on the proceedings. The game offers a variety of local and online multiplayer modes, along with a bot-based single-player story mode.

North American players will need lots of practice to keep up with the online competition next week, as Atomic Ninjas launches today in Europe.

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