Nintendo knows we want cross-buy ability for Wii U/3DS eShop games, will do it if devs ask for it
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 04 2013 01:19 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of an NWR interview with Dan Adelman...

NWR: On platforms such as Steam and Playstation Network they have what they call a Cross-Buy feature, so when you buy a game on the Playstation 3 or on a Windows PC, you can play the game on PSP/PS Vita or Mac/Linux, respectively. Is there any system in place right now or in the future to enable a similar Cross-Buy feature? For example, a game comes out on the Wii U that the 3DS can also run, and if the developer wants to enable customer play the game on both?

DA: We don’t have anything new to announce on that, but I believe that the idea’s been talked about. So it’s something we’re definitely up to considering if there’s enough demand from developers, but nothing to announce for right now.

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