Flight Club: CCP’s In-Game Eve Seminars
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 10 2013 13:00 GMT in EVE Online
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The only time I managed to get feel in control in Eve Online was when a friend wise in the ways of 0-0 decided to teach me. He told me what to buy, what to fit to my ship, and what skills to train. It perhaps led me down a path that he’d already worn in the space lanes, and I spent most of my time ferrying goods and waiting for the political intrigue and espionage to begin. Who knows? Maybe I was a puppet in his game of political intrigue and espionage, but it sure felt like I was a courier of insignificant goods. But without him helping me along, I doubt I’d have even gone that far. It’s a relationship that underpins Eve, and now CCP are going to attempt to do something similar. Their New Player Training Sessions will be CCP led in-game seminars, teaching Pod people how to fight more and fumble less.(more…)

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