Deja Review: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut
Posted by Joystiq Oct 22 2013 16:00 GMT in Wii U
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This is a Deja Review: A quick, unscored look at the new features and relative agelessness of a remade, revived or re-released game. Two years ago, we called Deus Ex: Human Revolution an "imperfect, complex and ambitious reminder of what a game can be when it's unafraid." Eidos Montreal didn't hold our hands, didn't string us from Waypoint A to Waypoint B so we could kill Bad Guy C. It trusted players to be intelligent and curious, and constructed a bleak, fascinating world that needed to be explored.

Now, in 2013, with a "Director's Cut" of Human Revolution available for Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, most of its "imperfect" aspects have been smoothed over, improving what was already a great experience. Even so, the addition of second screen features introduce a handful of new, albeit smaller, problems.

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