I Built A Giant Ice Cream In EverQuest Next: Landmark
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 11 2013 16:05 GMT in Everquest Next
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When I was but a wee young’un, I played the original EverQuest until I felt more lizard person than socially confused middle-schooler, until I could fearlessly face down even the most mildly irritated of dogs because they weren’t Sand Giants. If you had asked me back then, “Gee Nathan, where do you think this series will end up in 13 or so years,” I would’ve been way off the (land) mark. And then I would’ve said something stupid and obnoxious and I would totally understand if you just hauled off and punched teenage me in the mouth. He had it coming. Point being, EverQuest Next: Landmark is more hyper-advanced Minecraft evolution than massively multiplayer role-playing game, but it’s a foundation on which we’ll be able to build infinite MMO worlds, quests, storylines, and dreams. SOE’s EQN is just a single twinkling star in its gigantic galaxy. So of course, I used it to build a giant ice cream cone.


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