Joystiq Streams: Over the river and through the woods to Borderlands 2 DLC we go
Posted by Joystiq Dec 23 2013 16:00 GMT in Borderlands 2
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'Twas two days before Christmas, when all through the video game world, not a creature was stirring, not even a magical sword with a handle of pearl.

Game designers and publishers are all nestled snug in their beds while dreams of a big new console audience dance in their heads.

The Joystiq crew isn't nestled in anything, though. Even in the December wasteland, there's treasure to hunt and play, and nothing says treasure hunting like Borderlands 2. Share in our adventures! Our very own Richard Mitchell and Jess Conditt will be playing their way through Borderlands 2's latest DLC, How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day. Tune into the Joystiq Twitch page at 4p.m. EST for one hour of unadulterated vault hunting. We'll be hanging in the chat answering questions as we go, so stop on by.

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