Final Xbox daily deal of the year discounts Call of Duty: Ghosts
Posted by Joystiq Dec 31 2013 18:00 GMT in Activision
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With 2013 drawing to a close, it's time for one last Xbox 360 daily deal: A promotion that cuts between 25 and 40 percent from the price of Call of Duty: Ghosts, depending on your location.

Here's how it works: Pay a visit the Xbox Live Marketplace's Games On Demand section on your Xbox 360, then search for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Until the end of today, you'll find its price has been reduced. How much it's been reduced depends on where you live. Those of you in the United States will see the weakest discount, with only 25 percent being taken off. Those in European countries will find a 29 percent discount, and citizens of the UK are being granted a 30 percent discount. Australian gamers make out the best in this deal, as their version of Call of Duty: Ghosts has been reduced in price by 40 percent.

If Call of Duty: Ghosts isn't your cup of tea, but you still desperately want to pick up something before the year ends, you'll want to have a look at the ongoing weekly sale also taking place on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Like the daily deal, these offers expire once 2014 rolls around.

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