UK porn filter blocks League of Legends update for 'sex' in file name
Posted by Joystiq Jan 24 2014 16:00 GMT in League of Legends
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The anti-pornography firewall run by the UK's four top internet providers has blocked the latest League of Legends update because it happens to contain the letters "s," "e" and "x" in a row in two of its file names. The filter dings the following two files, forcing the update to fail with a "file not found" error (emphasis added):
  • XerathMageChainsExtended.luaobj
  • VarusExpirationTimer.luaobj
Reddit user LoLBoompje first reported the file error, and The Guardian says that the only recourse for those affected is to contact their internet providers and switch off the filter. The firewall is a new program and this problem should be contained to anyone who has signed up for a new ISP this month only.

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