Prepare For Liftoff: Firefall Gets $23 Million, Not Doomed
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 25 2014 15:00 GMT in Firefall
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When we last left promising yet embattled MMO-shooter Firefall, things had taken a turn for worrisome. Its PVP mode had gone down in flames, and CEO Mark Kern was given his walking papers/flying jetpacks at the end of 2013. Even with a solid core concept and admirable ambitions, the game had spent years tumbling all over the place in a wishy washy development cycle, and there was no “end” in sight. Meanwhile, Kern’s departure signaled that change was afoot, but was it good change or a turn for the worse in an already twisty saga? Well, now we at least have something concrete to go on: Firefall has secured another $23 million in funding, and it will finally launch for real this year.


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