Watch as Lightning Returns to 16-bit days in this story recap video
Posted by Joystiq Jan 29 2014 15:00 GMT in Square Enix
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If you're looking forward to Lightning Returns but haven't yet played Final Fantasy 13 or 13-2 - or even if you have - you're not going to find a funner way to recap the story so far than this SNES-y video by Square Enix.

Yes, "SNES-y" isn't very clever, but Square Enix already had "retro-spective."

It's impressive it fits 900 hours (or something like that) of JPRG narrative into an 8-minute video, albeit with some creative liberties - my favorite moment is around the 6:20 mark. But does it make the stories any more understandable?

The jury's out on that, but the jury will soon be in on Lightning Returns. The third game of the FF13 trilogy hits on February 11 in North America, and February 14 in Europe.

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