Jacking Into The Matrix: EVE And Oculus’ Utopian Dreams
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 19 2014 19:00 GMT in EVE Online
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Sometimes interviews go perfectly according to script and everything is just dandy. Also, frequently boring. In those instances, you nod dutifully after exhausting every possible line of questioning, turn off your recorder, and usually buy some form of burrito to soak up the tears. But other times things just sort of naturally veer into wacky territory. That’s not to say that CCP CEO Hilmar Pétursson’s dreams of a virtual-reality-born utopian future aren’t admirable (personally, I’d love for them to come true), but these are some huge – almost preposterously so – ideas. Do you want to hear how EVE Online could, according to its creator, help end class disparities once and for all? Then you’ve come to the right place.

… [visit site to read more]

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