Sharpen your fangs, Nosgoth has entered closed beta
Posted by Joystiq Feb 28 2014 22:00 GMT in Square Enix
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Nosgoth, the team-based online multiplayer game set in the Legacy of Kain universe, has begun closed beta testing, offering those willing to fill out a simple registration card a chance to take part in the eternal struggle between the seductively malevolent creatures of the night and rosy-cheeked human beings.

While far from complete, the beta test of Nosgoth will center on the game's Siege mode. "In Siege, Humans must capture specific locations and keep them safe from Vampires, while the Vampires must satisfy their bloodlust and hunt down their Human opponents," reads an official description from publisher Square Enix. The publisher also notes that the closed beta will be continually updated with new content, including additional game modes, levels, weapons and character classes.

Joining the closed beta may take some time, but it's a simple process. First, you'll need a valid Square Enix Membership account. Once that's taken care of, visit the Nosgoth website and fill out the beta registration form. There may be a bit of a wait while your registration is processed, but assuming you meet all the required criteria you should be staking bloodsuckers and exsanguinating hapless Van Helsing wannabes in short order. [Image: Square Enix]

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