Mother Fearest: Murdered: Soul Suspect Trailer
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 22 2014 08:00 GMT in Square Enix
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I have a piece of advice for the narrator of this Murdered: Soul Suspect trailer: follow-up with any questions you might have after your mother starts monologuing in vague terms about potential danger. She’s talking about unseen things and and saying stuff like: “There’s something out there,” without elaborating. Why not sit down with her and ask for specifics? What sort of family is this? My mum used stare sadly out of the window and tell me there was a slate that needed to be wiped clean or we’d all suffer from poverty and sickness, and when I pressed her she’d tell me to do the dishes or I wouldn’t get my pocket money. It pays to ask questions, and in that case I got £5 to spend on sweets.

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