Terraria tops 1.3 million mobile downloads
Posted by Joystiq Mar 22 2014 16:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Terraria, Re-Logic's 2D sandbox adventure game, surpassed a combined 1.3 million full-game downloads on iOS and Android. The game first arrived on iOS in August 2013 and on Android in September. Additionally, publisher 505 Games announced that Terraria recently achieved one million downloads in total across Xbox 360, PS3 and PS Vita, the latter of which arrived in December.

Andrew Spinks, the creator of Terraria, first divulged plans for the game's sequel in October, but was careful to note that it wasn't in development at the time. Spinks later said he'd like to code Terraria 2 in a more portable language so he can bring the game to multiple platforms closer to its PC launch, though Nintendo's 3DS is likely not in the cards for the sequel. [Image: Re-Logic]

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